
Its crusaders are the passionate pioneers that represent a new marketing reality never seen before
in history.
This is the story of the evolution of the Internet - and its progression from a superficial flavor
of the month to quite possibly, the most profound weapon ever presented to the treasure-chest of the
marketing community.
The war in question is a war against ignorance and those who resist change.
It is being fought on two playing fields, by two very different armies. Their insignias are the head
and the heart.
Progress has been varied.
The infantry of the head, earmarked by research, data, metrics and media has emerged victorious.
The warriors of the heart however, have not fared as well. Along the way, there have been many
casualties, but when the dust settled, the brave and the dedicated creative community stood firm,
supremely focused on their prime directive: to win the battle for the heart.
Let the battle continue...
