In 2004, the Battle for the HeArt took to the streets (2004 roadshow)
(or at least the plush conference facilities of Shutters, the Mansion on Turtle Creek and a bunch of W's) to
defend the honor of the heart; to restore balance between the head and the heart; between the left and the
right brain; between science and art...
There's an old saying which is usually used to help motivate the troops after a defeat or a setback: we may
have lost the battle, but we'll win the war. In the all out offensive against mediocrity and apathy, things
are looking a little grim for the purveyors of branded storytelling: consumers are losing patience fast;
distractions, clutter and bottom feeders confuse, annoy, invade and annoy, but if you believe the darkest
hour is just before the dawn, then you will no doubt be a prime candidate to enlist in the Battle for the
This year the rallying cry of the Battle for the heArt is A New Definition of Creativity. In a world where
there is unprecedented choice, there is an equally appealing and appetizing palette, with which to create;
there is essentially a blank canvas ahead on which to create; the only constraints holding us back from
achieving the extraordinary are our imaginations and very often, ourselves.
This year, we will celebrate the changing face of creativity - and the role the Web is playing as both a
change and transformation agent: from embracing long form content to consumer generated content; from
amplifying to extending the embittered 30-second spot; from monologing stories to dialoguing experiences.
When the battle comes to town, what will you do? Stay and fight or head for the hills.
Enlist now